Adding tasks


Tasks are work items of limited scope, sort of like a checklist of To-Do items. Tasks help you track individual required work items before you can complete the next step. Additionally, after you add a task, you need to monitor the progress to ensure the task completes on schedule.

To add a task:

  1. Open an Organization.
    The Organization Detail form opens.
  2. In the Action Center, expand Tasks.
  3. Click Add Task.
    The New Task form opens.
  4. Complete the form.

Related Form

If not adding directly from a dataform, the default is Link to Dataform. Used to attach the task to a dataform if required by your current security role assignment. If you click Save or Apply without selecting a dataform and receive a "Related From cannot be empty" error, you are required to click in the Related Form field and select the Record Type and Record (i.e., related form) from the Link Form window before you can proceed with saving the task.

Send Notification

When a change occurs, notifications are sent to the Owner, Assigned To, and users in the Subscribers list. Default is to send notifications. To update without notifications, clear this field. Then, the system automatically resets this field after a save completes.

Owner Required. Defaults to the person who created the task.
Created By Auto-filled with the user who created the task.
Assigned To Person that is responsible for completing the task.
Status Default is New. Select a status: New, In Progress, Complete, Deferred, On Hold, Other.
Category Required. Select a category: Implementation, Accounting, Benefits, HR, Onboarding, Other, Payroll, Rick, Sales, Underwriting.
Type When Category is selected, Type becomes available. Select a type: Owner, Influencer, AIG Eligible.
Priority Required. Select a priority: Critical, High, Medium, Low.
Start Date Required. Defaults to the current date and time. Use the date picker to select a different date. To change the time, type over time.
Due Date Use the date picker to select the due date. To change the time, type over time.
Completed Completed is auto-filled when the Status changes to Complete.
Completed By Completed By is auto-filled.
Subject Required. Provide a meaningful subject.
Body Provide adequate detail for the Assigned To user to be able to complete the task.
To add comments, click .
When done, click again.
More Info You can provide additional notes about the task in this field.
Private Marks the task as private and is only visible to the Assigned To and Owner users.
Delete Select this option to mark the task for deletion by a scheduled process.
Active Default is enabled – the task is Active.
  1. To add subscribers to this task, in the Action Center, expand Subscribers and click Select Users.
    The Select Users dashboard opens. From here you can select users from the list, search using Quick Search or More search.

  1. To search for users by Department, click More, select a Department, and then click Search.
    The filtered list is displayed.
  2. Highlight a user, enable the Select option, and click Ok.

The user is added as a subscriber to the task and will receive notifications.

  1. To add attachments to this task, in the Action Center, expand Attachments. See Attachments.
  2. Click Save.
    The new task is now visible in the Tasks mini-panel of the Action Center for the Organization.