Release 137 Notes

R137 Sprint: 2/1/2024 to 3/14/2024. To learn about product features that you may not recognize, contact ClientSpace Professional Services.

Release Schedule

Release updates are implemented by the group, as indicated in the following table.


Enhancement groups are Change in Functionality, ClientSpace Premium (ClientSpace with additional modules), Advanced Administration, General, and Staffing.

ClientSpace Premium




Reformatted Rate Group Field Value on the Offered Benefits Plan Form

Previously, the Rate Group field on the Offered Benefits Plan form displayed the Plan Code first and the Rate Group Title second. Now, this order is reversed. The Rate Group Title is first and the unique Plan Code is second. This change affects the displayed value and all drop down list values as shown in the example below.

Offered Benefits Form Reformat of Rate Group Field


Added and Updated Fields on Offered Benefits Plan Form

The following field-related changes have been made on the Offered Benefits Plan dataform:

  • Added the following four (4) lookup groups with thirty-four (34) associated lookup values:

    • Wash Rule Day

    • Rounding Method

    • LTD Base Calc

    • Multiplier Pay Basis

  • Added three (3) new field sets and thirteen (13) new fields. Note: All fields are Active by default and all field sets are expanded by default.

    Field Label

    Field Name

    Element Type

    All Plan Types fsAllPlanTypes Field Set
    Cafe Eligible IsCafeEligible Checkbox
    Rounding Method luRoundingMethod

    Lookup (core)

    Note: Uses Rounding Method lookup group.

    Wash Rule



    Wash Rule Day


    Lookup (core)

    Note: Uses Wash Rule Day lookup group.

    Disability Coverage Details


    Field Set

    Percent of Base



    Benefit Amount



    LTD Max Coverage



    LTD Base Calc


    Lookup (core)

    Note: Uses LTD Base Calc lookup group.

    Coverage Details


    Field Set

    Multiplier Pay Basis


    Lookup (core)

    Note: Uses Multiplier Pay Basis lookup group.

    Round Timing


    Lookup (core)

    Note: Uses Rounding Method lookup group.

    Coverage Amount



    Coverage Minimum



    Coverage Maximum



  • Made the Category field a Required field.

  • Added three (3) business rules.

    Rule Title



    Require Contribution Method _RequireFieldOnThisForm When an offered plan is saved, if the Contribution Method field is not filled in the system will require it.
    Require the Benefit Group field to be Completed _RequireFieldOnThisForm

    When an offered plan is saved, if the Benefit Group field is not filled in the system will require it.

    Set OBP Effective Date from Benefits Batch


    Sets the OBP Effective Date to match the associated Benefits Batch Effective Date when the OBP Effective Date is blank (i.e., empty).

  • Added a field display rule on the Disability Coverage Details field set. The Disability Coverage Details field set only displays when the Category field is set to LTD - Company Paid, LTD - Voluntary, STD - Voluntary, or STD - Company Paid.


Added and Updated Fields on Benefit Groups Form

The following field-related changes have been made on the Benefit Groups dataform:

  • Added the following two (2) lookup groups with six (6) associated lookup values:

    • Benefit Eligibility Date Used

    • Benefit Group Eligible For

  • Added three (3) new fields. Note: All fields are Active by default.

    Field Label

    Field Name

    Element Type

    Days from Eligibility Status

    Days from Eligibility Status


    Benefit Eligibility Date Used


    Lookup (core)

    Note: Uses Benefit Eligibility Date Used lookup group.

    Benefit Group Eligible For

    luRetirementorBenefit Plans

    Lookup (core)

    Note: Uses Benefit Group Eligible For lookup group.

  • Moved the Waiting Period field to the Hidden group so that it no longer displays by default.

  • Moved the Group Description field down on the form to accommodate for the new Benefit Eligibility Date Used field. (It now displays directly under Benefit Eligibility Date Used.)

  • Added a new Offered Benefits Plan link to the Action Center. If there is more than one associated Offered Benefit Plan, clicking the link opens the Offered Benefits Plan search dashboard. If there is only one associated Offered Benefit Plan, clicking the link opens the Offered Benefits Plan form with plan details displayed.


Added Fields on Benefits Batch Form

The following field-related changes have been made on the Benefits Batch dataform:

  • Added the following two (2) lookup groups with seven (7) associated lookup values:

    • Benefit Eligibility Status

    • Benefit Eligibility Type

  • Added a new field set and eleven (11) new fields. Note: All fields are Active by default and the new field set is expanded by default.

    Field Label

    Field Name

    Element Type

    Batch Details fsBatchDetails Field Set
    Renewal Workbook RenewalWorkbook Upload Manager - Database
    Renewal Approval RenewalApproval Upload Manager - Database
    Renewal Assigned fkRenewalAssignedUserID User Filtered By Role
    Renewal Client Contact fkRenewalClientContactID Org Contact

    Commuter Plan Accepted


    Lookup (core)

    Note: Uses YesNo lookup group.

    HSA Plan Offered


    Lookup (core)

    Note: Uses YesNo lookup group.

    FSA Plan Offered


    Lookup (core)

    Note: Uses YesNo lookup group.

    Eligibility Status


    Lookup - Multiple (core)

    Note: Uses Benefit Eligibility Status lookup group.

    Eligibility Type


    Lookup - Multiple (core)

    Note: Uses Benefit Eligibility Type lookup group.

    Client Renewal Notes



    Renewal Chatter



Advanced Administration




Added New Dataform Rule Trigger Operators

The following options have been added as Primary/Secondary Trigger Operators on dataform rule configuration (System Admin >Advanced > Manage Rules):

  • IsDirtyAndIsEmpty: Executes if the Primary/Secondary Trigger Field on the form has changed and is now empty.
  • IsDirtyAndIsNotEmpty: Executes if the Primary/Secondary Trigger Fields on the form has changed and now contains a value.

See Configuring Rules and Business Logic.


Added Header Suppression, Link, and Link Text Configuration to Query Widget

The Query Widget configuration settings have been updated to allow you to suppress the display of the widget header, add a website link and add associated hyperlink text for the website link.

See Widget: Query.


Added Ability to Trigger Rules On Current User and/or Department

You can now trigger rules based on the current user and current user's department in dataform rule configuration (System Admin >Advanced > Manage Rules) using the following new Primary/Secondary Trigger Values.

  • #CurrentUser: Allows you to trigger a rule when the logged in user (i.e., current user) matches the user selected user in the Trigger Field.

  • #CurrentDepartment: Allows you to trigger a rule when the logged in user's default department on their user profile matches the default department on the user profile of the selected user in the Trigger Field.


  • To use #Current User or #CurrentDepartment, the Trigger Operator must be Equals or Does Not Equal and the Trigger Field must be a valid user data type of Project User, Project User Type Ahead, User, User by Role Type Ahead, User Filtered By Entity, User Filtered By Entity Type Ahead, User Filtered By Role, or User Type Ahead.

  • For #CurrentDepartment, if either the logged in user's default department on their user profile is not set or the default department on the user profile of the selected user in the Trigger Field is not set, the rule will not trigger. The default department must be present on both user profiles for this Trigger Value to work.

See Configuring Rules and Business Logic.


Added Workflow Attachments to Workflow Configuration Wizard

A Step 5: Attachments tab has been added to workflow configuration that allows you to add both file upload field attachments from dataforms and static attachments (i.e., attachments not associated with a file upload field on a dataform) to a triggered form such as a task or dataform.

See Step 5: Attachments.


Updated Benefits Set Import ID Rules and Added New Benefits Duplicate Import IDs Rules

The SetImportID method (System Admin > Advanced > Manage Rules) has been updated for the Benefits Batch, Offered Plan, and Benefits Group forms to clear the Client Master Import ID when the Client Master dataform is inactivated. If the Client Master dataform is later reactivated, the Import ID is regenerated and set on the form.


Additionally, a new HE_DuplicateBenefitBatchImportID method has been created to work with three new rules for the Benefits Batch, Offered Plan, and Benefits Group forms. The new method checks for the existence of a duplicate Import ID value when you click Save or Apply on these forms. If a duplicate Import ID is found, the following hard error message is displayed and you are unable to proceed with saving the record until you correct the issue:


"The ImportID value [Import ID] is already associated to another [Form Name] record."

General Enhancements




Bootstrap v5.0 User Interface Changes

As you may be aware, the ClientSpace Delivery team has been immersed in working on a stack upgrade to improve the performance and appearance of our User Interface for some time. One of the first steps in this process has been to upgrade to Bootstrap v5.0, a powerful framework for building attractive and responsive user interfaces, without substantial changes to the existing "look and feel" of ClientSpace that could prove disruptive. This allows us to lay the groundwork for future design changes over time while still providing a familiar UI.

In this release, you may notice subtle changes in iconography, font sizes and spacing related to Bootstrap v5.0. For example, the Call icon has now changed to this:.

Please be patient with us as we continue to make UI changes over the coming months that we believe will enhance your ClientSpace experience. If you have any issues, please contact the ClientSpace Professional Services team or log an Extranet case.

See Asking for Help Using the Extranet.





Implemented Multi-Threading on the PrismHR API Ongoing Import

Multi-threading has been implemented on the PrismHR API Ongoing Import to allow multiple PrismHRAPI configurations to run concurrently. A maximum of 5 threads can run at a time.


Refactored Code to use CONVERT() Instead of FORMAT() in Several Procedures

Several procedures in ClientSpace have been updated to use the CONVERT() function instead of FORMAT() function to improve performance.

Note: These code adjustments required a minor change to the format of Date Time search results on dataform searches. Instead of a four (4) digit year, a two (2) digit year is shown. The format was previously dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss. The format is now dd/mm/yy hh:mm:ss.



Issue summary



Money, Decimal, and Percent Values Rounding Issue

Previously, when money, decimal and percent values (with no mask) were saved, the rounded amount was not stored in the database. For instance, if a calculated dollar amount of $21.258982 was rounded to $21.26 on the user interface, a value of $21.25 was stored in the database. This issue has been corrected. Now, any rounded value that displays on the UI is the same value stored in the database.


Corrected UI Issues on Widgets and Grids

Previously, an upgrade to user interface controls that occurred in ClientSpace Release 131 resulted in several minor issues with grids and widgets. The following issues have now been corrected:

  • Text editor fields (such as Comments, Remarks, or Notes fields) can no longer be minimized to dimensions that are smaller than the default dimensions that display when the form loads.

  • Only one grid column options drop down list displays at a time. (Previously, if you opened one on one column and then opened another on a different column, the first one remained open.)

  • Grid columns now resize responsively when zooming in.

  • The default calendar size has been adjusted so that you do not have to scroll to view the entire calendar.

  • The row counter now displays a zero (0) on minimized widgets when there are no records to display.

    Note: This issue only affected widgets that display a list of records and only occurred when a widget had no records to display and was minimized.


Workspace Name Created from Organization Name Truncated

Previously, when a Workspace was created from an Organization using the Organization name (which has a maximum character allowance of 100 characters), if the Workspace name was greater than 50 characters, it was truncated to 50 characters. This was happening because maximum character allowance for Workspace name was previously 50 characters. Now, the character allowance for the Workspace name is increased to 100 characters to allow the Workspace name to be created from a long Organization name without being cut off.


Dataform Admin Search Dashboard Collapsed After Editing Field

Previously, if you clicked the Edit Fields button on the Dataform Admin dashboard (System Admin > Advanced > Dataform Admin), edited a field, saved the change, and then returned to the dashboard, the grid was collapsed. Instead of displaying a full page of dataforms, only five (5) dataforms were listed in the grid. This issue has been corrected.